This is the personal website of John Watson: father, software developer, artist, guitar player. Follow me on Mastodon or Twitter or Twitch or or GitHub.

On skating in the jungle

Son: It's dangerous to skateboard in the jungle.
Me: I imagine so. Because of the lions?
Son: Well, the tigers and the lions.
Me: And bears?
Son: Yah.
Me: Oh my.


  1. Lisa on 2007-06-14 13:35:17 wrote: LOL someone has been watching Go Diego Go!

  2. annoyed on 2007-06-14 17:38:01 wrote: cute!!!!!!!!

  3. s’mee on 2007-06-14 20:11:54 wrote: good set up dad!

  4. John C on 2007-06-15 13:18:09 wrote: Kids (even Gen-x’ers) today do not think of the movie “The Wizard of Oz” the way we did growing up. For us, a viewing on television was a once-a-year special event, and it pre-empted other activities. Viewing it on a color TV was Spectacular. And we know of the amazing quality of the effects that they invented back in 1938-39, and it’s hard for today’s young people to realize how magical that film is to us boomers. I have done an informal poll, and more than half the under-10 crowd I asked have not seen the movie, and to those who have seen the movie, it’s just one of the thousand they have seen. Sigh They think “Pirates/Caribbean” is great filmmaking.

  5. John on 2007-06-16 00:16:37 wrote: I’m only 35 but I remember being excited the first time we watched The Wizard of Oz with the kids. They were bored after about 20 minutes and went off to play. I was disappointed. I like the movie but I’m definitely biased by the circumstances of my first encounters with it which sound similar to yours. Which isn’t to say that it actually sucks but I can definitely see how I might like it less if I saw it for the first time today.