This is the personal website of John Watson: father, software developer, artist, guitar player. Follow me on Mastodon or Twitter or Twitch or or GitHub.

Is your blogging service offline?

So I was reading feeds and I couldn’t help notice that TypePad is offline. It happens. If you need someplace to get those bloggy thoughts out of your head, try my online writing app Writer. You can write to your heart’s content in a distraction-free environment, it saves all of your work for you between visits automagically, and it can send anything you write directly to your blog as a draft post (uh, when it’s back online).


  1. Jacqueline on 2007-02-06 09:00:24 wrote: That is way too cool. I don’t actually blog (I mean, I have one [or three] but it has been many a moon since any updating happened) but I’m sure I’ll find some use for something so nifty.

  2. Jacqueline on 2007-02-06 09:02:41 wrote: Um, hi, me again. What’s with the password being plaintext? That means I have to come up with a completely unique password just for the site - which of course I will never remember.

  3. John on 2007-02-06 09:56:47 wrote: Rather than hide it and ask you to type it twice, I just let you see what you’re typing. If you ever need to login (you probably won’t unless you use Writer on more than one computer) you’ll get the hidden asterisk-style display. Registration is optional—your docs will be saved anyway.

  4. Jacqueline on 2007-02-06 16:59:37 wrote: Ah, ok. Still, it is rather surprising - I’ve never actually seen most of my passwords… I’m glad you have the registration option, I’m using anywhere from 2 to 7 different computers a day lately and of course I never remember which one I was at when I did something…

  5. guynameddave on 2007-02-07 17:16:44 wrote: TypePad is back online. But Writer is pretty cool. Maybe Six Apart will acquire it for those times they go down ;)