This is the personal website of John Watson: father, software developer, artist, guitar player. Follow me on Mastodon or Twitter or Twitch or or GitHub.

I married a genius

The Lovely and Talented Wife, who volunteers at our elementary school, recently convinced a kindergartner to do something he didn’t want to do by offering him the next two days off from school. Guess what day it was.


  1. fyngyrz on 2007-10-08 11:30:57 wrote: My mother once dispatched an insistent young visitor from across the street who had its little nose pressed into our screen door, repeatedly asking for one of my sisters, thusly: “Go home and tell you mother she wants you”… in that authoritative tone neighborhood mothers somehow pull from their back pocket. The child obediently turned and set off for home without any further question or argument. Ah, language. Scalpel or blunt instrument. You have to love it.

  2. are you my rik? on 2007-10-08 13:28:47 wrote: genius indeed! that’s fantastic, as is fyngyrz account…i’m definitely going to have to pass these along to my wife. i know they’ll come in handy one day (our kids still love school too much for this too have any effect now).

  3. Laura on 2007-10-09 07:49:45 wrote: I’ll have to remember that one ! Genius, indeed !!

  4. Michael | Family Hack on 2007-10-11 09:57:14 wrote: Our 6 year old still doesn’t know the ice cream truck sells ice cream. We just called it the “music truck” and she bought it. I think tricking your kids is one of the perks that make the whole thing bearable. Michael

  5. How Do You Trick Your Kids? | Family Hack on 2007-10-11 15:28:52 wrote: […] John Watson’s wife convinced a kindergartner to do something he didn’t want to do by offering him the next two days off from school. Guess what day it was. […]