Things I believe to be true
November 14, 2023
- We are mortal, finite beings
- All things end
- There is no objective “meaning of life” — you must find and create your own meaning from the chaos
- It doesn’t matter if the universe is meaningless, it doesn’t matter if free will is an illusion, and it doesn’t matter if we’re living in a simulation — it’s all we’ve got
- You have no control over most things and very little control over everything else
- Existing is infinitely better than not existing
- Things usually work out in the end
- Most people are fundamentally good
- The golden rule is to treat others and yourself with kindness, respect, and love
- Kindness stems from empathy
- Everyone you meet is carrying a heavy burden
- The world would be better if we all treated each other better
- It’s better to shut up if you have nothing kind to say and no one asked
- Music and singing are food for the soul
- Food isn’t really food unless you are sharing it with someone
- Whisky tastes better when someone else is buying
- You only have about 80 Summers
- There will never be enough time to do all the things
- There’s not enough time to waste it on things that make you unhappy
- Choosing the things you will do is also choosing the things that you will not do
- It’s pointless to worry about things that haven’t happened yet
- Worrying about the past (regret) is also pointless
- The only thing that matters is this moment right now
- A life is a series of these moments and what you chose to do with them
- Spending time with my children has always been worthwhile
- Hope is justified because the future tends to be better than the past
- It’s dangerous to go alone
- The foundations of a happy marriage are listening, understanding, and empathy
- Love is a choice that you must make every day
- The whole is greater than the parts
- You must love the whole person — you can’t pick and choose
- You must let go of your ego — it’s okay to be wrong
- You must learn to argue without being mean or angry
- Most problems are rooted in miscommunication
- Two people can say the same words but mean different things
- Raising children is the toughest and most fulfilling job I’ve ever had
- Everyone is making it up as they go
- Randomness (luck) affects everything
- Ideas are easy and worthless on their own
- Hard work is still important
- Doing work you are proud of is important
- The best way to learn how to do something is just to try and do it
- Finishing things is more important than trying to make them perfect
- We become experts through failure
- Originality is overrated
- The customer is not always right
- Wages are the product of labor
- Programming is about solving problems, not typing symbols into a computer
- You must first understand the problem and constraints on the solution
- Progamming languages are for people, not computers
- Boring and reliable is better than shiny and new
- Verbose and understandable is better than short and clever
- Reading, writing, and debugging code are distinct skills
- The best programmers understand the entire stack from the foundations up
- Not everyone can do it
- It’s not real until you ship it
- Houses are just big wooden boxes
- Water is the enemy
- Drywall is easily broken, easily patched, and nothing to be scared of
- Owning things is expensive
- Regular maintenance is less expensive than big repairs
- Insurance for items you can easily replace is a waste of money
And just a little advice…
- Be good and kind and patient
- Work hard
- Eat when hungry
- Rest when tired
- Worry less